Study comedy writing with a series of customised Zoom mentoring sessions. Brian Luff runs 1-2-1 mentoring calls, tailored to your own projects and based on aims and targets that you set yourself. Genres covered are stand-up, sketch writing, stageplays, screenwriting, entertainment shows and sitcom.
Your mentor is a multi-award-winning writer/producer. A former senior BBC online comedy editor and Channel 4 comedy scriptwriter, he has appeared numerous times on the Edinburgh Fringe and been a visiting lecturer on the BA scriptwriting course at Bournemouth University.
The Zoom mentoring sessions are based on our popular live workshops and available in 1 hour sessions (for individuals or writing partnerships). Whether you’re planning to develop your stand-up act or want to write scripts to submit to production companies, Brian will guide you step by step through your script and help to build your confidence as a writer or performer. He’ll also give you tips about submitting your material to agents and production companies and/or help you to line up live gigs.
(Required: Fast internet connection & download of free Zoom software )
Recent Testimonials:
“Working with Brian was informative, fun and very challenging! The Zoom mentoring sessions worked well – good to run over content and then have time to digest it and prepare for the next session a week or two later. How Brian got me actually doing 7 minutes stand-up at a real comedy club I’ll never know – the man’s a genius! I still can’t quite believe I got laughs from a room full of real punters. Getting under the skin of comedy writing was a revelation to me. Brian Luff’s sessions were the kick up the backside I needed. It was genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever done and I will remember the experience for the rest of my life.” James Pavey
“Just back from only my second gig, The Massive Comedy Gong Show at The Shack in Edinburgh, which I WON! I would never have done it without the Zoom mentoring sessions with Brian Luff!” The sessions are immensely useful, and all imparted in a very relaxed way. After two sessions I had written a nine minute open mic spot for which the tutor then gave constructive feedback. I’m signing up for another three sessions to help develop my act further!” Cameron Bell.
All Brian’s Zoom mentoring sessions work with tried and tested formulae for writing comedy that works. Learn how the pros use repetition, escalation, callback, reversal and other powerful tools to hook their audience. Wherever you are in the world, Brian will work with you one-to-one (or with a writing partner) via your Zoom connection, teaching you the tricks of the trade, setting you writing exercises, and then helping you to analyse and polish your work.