
Phil Wang hates scary films. Not only does the spine tingling, adrenaline pumping, heart lurching experience make him feel queasy rather than excited, he also cannot see any value at all to horror cinema.

In this series, he gives fellow comedians, friends and entertainers a rare chance to convince him otherwise. In each episode, Phil will be joined by a famous guest who has one shot at converting him by offering up the film they see as the pinnacle of the genre, in a bid to turn him to the dark side. Before their conversation, Phil will begrudgingly watch the chosen film in its entirety. The episode will feature a hilarious discussion about the film, it’s backstory and its potential value and enjoyability.

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Listen in as Phil and his guest react to key (horrible) scenes of the film — moments that provoke intense fear…or outraged laughter…depending on the quality of the special effects. The series spans classics like The Shining which paved the way for the genre; modern masterpieces like Us; as well as some of horror’s less high-brow yet fantastically awful offerings, like Nightmare on Elm Street 3….

Throughout the conversation, Phil’s guest will try to open his eyes to the genius of their chosen film and the joys of horror – pointing out moments of artistry, ingenuity, impeccable comic timing, or grip-of-your-seat tension. Production Village: 4 Stars.

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